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It’s been a very long time since I put “pen to paper” to complete a blog.

I’ve started quite a few but for some reason, I’ve had a very difficult time finishing and seeing it all through.

It’s unfortunate but the challenging part about being a creative is that sometimes, one may experience periods and moments in time where you’re unable to focus on completing one specific project.

If you’re anything like me, my mind goes so fast that I occasionally have a difficult time figuring out which idea needs to be a priority and other times, LIFE JUST HAPPENS.

My most recent blogs dealt with me grieving the unexpected loss of a very close friend and the next blog dealt with self-care, which has really become my saving grace.

After which, I completely lost my desire and focus to write.

Nevertheless, as I gather my thoughts on this last night at the tender age of thirty-one, I AM GRATEFUL.

There’s something about my birthday that always positions me mentally in one of two places.

The first would be a place of slight depression, grieving and focusing on all the things I thought I WOULD have at this age.

As a little girl, I always thought that twenty-five would be the age where I settled down, got married, had kids, etc. etc.

However, the older I become, I realize that there was NO WAY that twenty-five-year-old Kiara was ready to be a wife or a mother.

Those titles come with a great deal of responsibility and as responsible as I was at that age, mentally and emotionally, I simply was NOT ready.

The second place my mind wonders leading up to my birthday is a place of REFLECTION.

At thirty-one, I’ve suffered a few unexpected losses but all in all, God has really carried me through in accomplishing some MAJOR things.

Thirty-One has been a GENERATIONAL CURSE BREAKING type of year.

I’ve cleared a ton of debt while also entering a season of unspeakable favor and promotion.

January, I began to be super honest with myself and concluded that I NEEDED HELP.

My job of being a one-man band needed to come to an END before I placed myself in an early grave.

My self-awareness increased which later led to Key Inspires hiring its first two contractor employees. I also rebuilt my second baby, The Potts Foundation.

February, I interviewed for a promotion, TANKED the interview, but afterwards I received phenomenal feedback that later assisted in gaining the thing I was once denied.

Well maybe I should say DELAYED, NOT DENIED.

March, one of the most kindhearted people that I’ve ever met, gained her wings. This was TOUGH and took me quite some time to fully process.

April, The Potts Foundation held its first virtual event called, “College in a Pandemic”, which can now be found on our YouTube Page (The Potts Foundation).

May, I took an unexpected trip to the big apple. Although unexpected, I am extremely grateful for how my family has come together in harmony since this time.

June, I became extremely intentional and open about my self-care journey. So much so that it became a thing my Instagram followers looked forward to every Friday.

July, I took a much-needed vacation to refuel and recharge, revamped my resume for a new career opportunity, and I got a new car.

August, I interviewed for my promotion for the SECOND TIME. This time, with MORE confidence and preparation.

September, after just five years in my career field, I received a MAJOR promotion.

Feedback, confidence, and preparation truly goes a very long way.

In September, I also refinanced my house, decreasing my mortgage by $100. It may seem like a small amount but on a mortgage, a little really does go a long way.

October, was a history making month for Key Inspires, Writing and Resume Services. We closed out the month with our highest revenue to date.


And so, here we are, in November, less than three hours away from Chapter THIRTY-TWO in my book of life.

I only have one word to sum up this year and that word is GRATEFUL.

DESPITE the things I’ve lost and the many no’s I have received, God has favored me and each and everything attached to me.

I’ve eliminated debt, increased my income, and overall, bettered my communication.

The communication may seem insignificant to most but in my previous passive aggressive ways of dealing with life, I can proudly say, I am in a much healthier place.

I communicate my dislikes, I communicate my boundaries, I express my gratitude and appreciation, and I communicate on the things I enjoy and would like to see more of.

All in all, I have become MY BIGGEST ADVOCATE.

THERAPY has helped transform every area and accomplishment I’ve had at thirty-one.

My support system has ensured that I not only rest and recover, but that I also remember to celebrate life and my accomplishments.

Thirty-one has been such a groundbreaking year that I am ecstatic to WELCOME ALL THIRTY-TWO WILL BRING.

Good, bad, ugly, or indifferent, I know that if I believe that I can, then I WILL.

Cheers to another year of living in God’s purpose for my life.



I would love for you to partner with me in my annual birthday fundraiser, please see the fundraising details and additional information about the foundation below.

The Mission of The Potts Foundation is to inspire, educate, and cultivate minorities in pursuit of higher education and professional advancement through scholarship and devoted service. We seek to teach valuable tools, knowledge, and wisdom that will promote character and leadership development to increase success within underserved youth.

Ways to Donate:

Donate via Cash App ($PottsFoundation)

I have a goal to raise $500 for The Potts Foundation by November 19, 2021. Will you help me achieve it?


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