Day 15: #BlogLikeCrazy – Welcome to My Jesus Year
Day 15 of #BlogLikeCrazy is oh so very special, I’d like to think that on THAT day in November of 1989, a STAR was born!
I mean, when I look back over the last thirty-three years, I can’t help but to believe that God did something absolutely amazing on THAT day at 6:11 AM.
In case you haven’t quite caught my drift YET, Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee!
For the first time, in a very long time, I’ve been pretty excited about my birthday. No special plans exist, simply and genuinely, just happy to be here.
When I think back over the last year, I can honestly say, I am so proud of ME.
I’ve defied the odds in ways I’ve never imaged.
As a baby girl born in Montgomery, Alabama, weighing three pounds and five ounces, I am not walking around as “predicted” by the doctors.
Had you heard the reports, you’d know that God truly is nothing short of a miracle worker.
It is for that reason that I kick off Chapter 33, Episode 1 of my “Jesus Year”, believing that God is going to blow my mind in ways that I did not know were possible.
As I sit up, at 12:34 am, writing this blog, listening to the rainfall, it’s a necessary reminder to me of how God is watering this next year of life.
The seeds have been planted and now, it’s time for them to grow and harvest.
It’s time for the seed to peak from under the soil.
Chapter 33, Episode 1, will begin the year in which I defy the odds a whole lot more. You see, I spent a lot of time, harping over the fact that I was not where I “expected” to be.
Year after year after year, my birthday served as a quiet reminder of what I have NOT done instead of celebrating what I have.
I’ve grown to a new era where a complete 180 has taken place.
Which is why my heart is so full of gratitude. It is also why I know that this next year, MY JESUS YEAR, will be a remarkable and memorable year of life.
As I write and listen to the rainfall, I am reminded of Jeremiah 29:11.
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”.
Eyes have not seen the magnitude of what’s next for little ole me.
Although, I’m always nervous, I am also excited to step outside of the shadows and to tap into my full potential for who God has called me to be.
It’s why I embrace peaking from under the soil. It’s why I embrace the rainfall that I currently hear.
It’s all a very ever present reminder, that this next year of life will open the door to things I never thought would be possible.
It brings tears to my eyes just to imagine.
To DREAM. To FEEL. To KNOW. That this year is so special.
Jesus did a lot in YEAR 33.
I’M NO JESUS but I know this year will be one for the books for me. Thirty-Two held tight on being revolutionary.
BUT it was ONLY the beginning.
If I know nothing else to be true, it is that A LOT can happen in a year.
As I stand in expectation and as I completely move out of my own way, I know that GREATNESS lies on the other side.
The vision has been written and now, it’s time to run.
It seemed slow in coming, but I’ve waited patiently knowing for it will surely take place. It will NOT be delayed.
Chapter 33, Episode 1, MY JESUS YEAR. The year, where EVERYTHING CHANGED.
Until Next Time, #KeyInspires