Day 1: #BlogLikeCrazy
To say ‘life has been lif-ing’ would seem like a bit of an understatement but when I look back over my blog posts for 2022, they are pretty much nonexistent.
It just seems as if I have not been able to sit and find the time nor the headspace to simply do what I once loved, which is to write.
As a teenager, I found that writing was an outlet for me. It allowed me to process the good, bad, ugly, confusing, and indifferent journeys that I faced in life.
Writing also helped me navigate my first memorable loss.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that writing is a space that helps me grow in vulnerability, in transparency, and it has also encouraged me to live out loud.
Once the thoughts are written and are placed on paper, I am no longer able to hold myself hostage with what was rattling around aimlessly in my mind.
My mind is no longer idol and peace then resumes.
Its why journaling is also extremely important, not just for me but for anyone needing to calm their thoughts and bring about a space of peace.
I’ve realized in not writing, I’ve lost a bit of my ‘city center’, and in search of an extra layer of accountability to resume easily doing what I love, I decided to join a Writer’s Group.
There is something extremely motivating about joining together with like-minded people.
After all, the bible does say “where two or three are gathered”, right?
That statement is applicable to many areas of life. Your creativity easily sparks when you surround yourself with people who are in pursuit of something you also love and enjoy.
In making the decision to join the writer’s group, See Jane Write, I have also decided to join the group challenge in the month of November called, #BlogLikeCrazy.
November will be special because I’ve made the intentional decision to reestablish consistency with something that I love.

The purpose of #BlogLikeCrazy is to post one blog per day, I do not know that realistically I will accomplish that, BUT I do know that I will reestablish my love and consistency for writing.
Which is ultimately my ONLY goal.
Over the course of November, I will share and write on a large variety of topics. As I take this journey, in pursuit of re-creating my personal safe space, I encourage you to do the same.
Is there something that you love, that has been neglected because life got a little busy?
What is an area of personal growth and development that you’d like to focus on for this month?
Challenge yourself, beginning today, to rediscover your consistency. Together, we can do this!