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Why Me?

If you’re anything like me, there has been at least one time in life where you’ve simply asked the question, “Why me?”

WHY did this happen to me? WHY does it seem as if I can never catch a break? Why, Why, Why, Why God?

That place of WHY is a DESPERATION LIKE NO OTHER. You search for answers to questions based upon hurt and frustration.

Sometimes, the pain seems to be UNBEARABLE.

But have you ever REMOVED yourself from your EMOTIONS to ask, “WHY NOT ME?”.

A simple change of perspective will totally SHIFT how you view life’s difficulties.

I challenge you to think back on trials and tribulations that you THOUGHT you would NOT be able to OVERCOME.

Upon thinking back, I’m sure you realized that place of frustration PRODUCED a LESSON AND TESTIMONY like NO other.

You may have also later learned that the fight WASN’T for you.

As a matter of fact, it wasn't even about you, but it was a TESTIMONY needed for a family member, friend, or even a complete STRANGER.

It was a place where you learned how strong you really are. It was in a place where you learned to fight for your life.

It was in THAT place you WITNESSED God’s miracle working power. It was in THAT place, you learned the true POWER of an UNFILTERED testimony.

So, my question to you is this, WHY NOT YOU?

There are so many examples in the Bible where God utilized IMPERFECT people to tell of HIS Goodness and Glory. It’s called EVANGELISM!

If those people WASTED time asking, “WHY ME?”, do you believe they would have WITNESSED God’s glory come to pass?

Moses was chosen to do God’s Will but even in his doubt in his personal abilities, he TRUSTED God.

He understood that the Will of God was much more PURPOSEFUL than questioning WHY he was chosen to withstand such difficulties.

So, the NEXT time the going seems to get a little tough, ask yourself, “WHY NOT ME?”.

Then WATCH how God shows you WHY you are MORE THAN QUALIFIED to get the job done, in HIS NAME.

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